Recently, I have been getting requests from leaders that have an interest in team development programs. I think that the surge in demand is caused by many businesses still trying to navigate what this new normal is in terms of team structure, location, and process.
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Performance, Transformed
“...The content you are pushing out is really impressive. This is really admirable. There are people like me, years behind you, that you are inspiring whether you know it or not.”
For the past 18 months the world has gone through massive loss and major transition due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This has included a significant loss of life, change in the way people work, change in where and how people work, and in some cases the complete re-tooling or elimination of some industries. On the flip-side, the Covid-19 pandemic also revealed a silver lining of meeting, and at times exceeding, defined business goals and needs for certain companies.
Read MoreMany of my clients have requested solutions around the management of conflict. Whether it's between two leaders of an organization or a team, including Conflict Management training as part of a leadership curriculum provides many benefits.
Read MoreThis story shows the steps I have taken in my 20+ year career in the field of Leadership, Organization and Team Development. What a journey this has been so far!
Read MoreIf you are thinking of switching from entrepreneurship to a company, it is helpful to plan your strategy during you transition. Innovators can negotiate their way to success.
Read MoreTo encourage creativity, encourage new ideas whether they seem simple or crazy. Giving time for reflection when people are sharing ideas or thinking through possibilities is helpful.
Read MoreEntrepreneurs can be better at Innovation than those in established organizations because there are fewer levels of approval.
Read MoreWhat are effective ways to jumpstart creativity in a team or group when they seem to be blocked?
Read MoreWhat benefit does creating independent teams or Skunk Works in large organizations bring? I worked for a business at a former company that was the Skunk Works of Human Resources.
Read MoreMany people approach brainstorming meetings with the hope of coming to a final decision. This mindset is ineffective because the purpose of brainstorming is to simply gather diverse ideas.
Read MoreWhy do well managed diverse teams drive greater creativity? Focusing on new ideas, less groupthink, and productive conflict promotes creativity.
Read MoreGroupthink can be dangerous for teams. It can be avoided by having a safe culture and environment for disagreeing and for taking risk. The ability for people to feel comfortable being vulnerable leads to creativity and innovation, because they’re going to test and try different options and solutions.
Read MoreWith over 20 years of experience designing and facilitating experiential learning programs, Sarah Scala Consulting has been brought in to work with clients in multiple industries and countries. Research shows that learning is most strongly retained when people are actively engaged in it (Dale, 1946).
Read MoreRecently I was hired to do a video interview on Creativity and Innovation for Teams with MindEdge, a Boston-based online corporate learning company. As I prepared for the interview, I reflected on where I have achieved success with my clients and past employers when it comes to creativity and innovation.
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