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Performance,  Transformed

...The content you are pushing out is really impressive. This is really admirable. There are people like me, years behind you, that you are inspiring whether you know it or not.
— - Organization Development Consultant

LGBTQIA+ Emotional Intelligence


I have taught Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for Harvard University's Harvard Ed Portal, and I administer many Emotional Intelligence Assessments and tools for coaching and leadership development including:

  • Mayer-Solovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)

  • Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) and EQ 360

  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Authors Dr. Travis Bradberry and Dr. Jean Greaves define emotional intelligence in their book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 as "The ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and to use this awareness to manage your behavior and build positive relationships." In their book, they provide this model:


What is different about LGBTQIA+ EQ?

I have facilitated workshops on LGBTQIA+ EQ for clients' LGBTQ+ PRIDE Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and corporate events. My research to answer this question uncovered the following findings:

  • In general, employees at higher levels of the organization tend to have higher levels of EQ.

  • LGBTQIA+ employees at higher levels in the organization tend to have higher emotional intelligence than LGBTQIA+ employees at lower levels of the organization.

  • People with a high level of EQ have a better defined sexual identity.

  • The level of development of EQ influences the formation of sexual identity.

  • LGBTQIA+ people who are open to others regarding their own sexual orientation incorporate public and private identity into a unitary image.

I found these findings eye-opening and interesting in how the higher the person’s EQ, the more open LGBTQIA+ employees are with having a strong defined sexual identity. Their level of EQ development influences their formation of their sexual identity and those with a higher EQ have a public and private identity that is unified. This seems to support LGBTQIA+ employees having to cover less, and to be their authentic selves. We know from significant research about under-represented populations and Inclusion & Belonging in general, that when it feels safe to be our authentic selves, we are more likely to take risks, innovate, and share new ideas.

If your business would benefit from a keynote or workshop on Emotional Intelligence or LGBTQ+ Emotional Intelligence, LET'S CONNECT

Sarah Scala provides Inclusion and Belonging consulting for organizations to support your business strategy and evolving culture.

Learn more about Sarah Scala, and her background as a keynote speaker.
