EQ-i 2.0®
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is defined as “a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.”
The EQ-i 2.0® assessment provides the most scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence assessment tool available and is widely used by organizations across the world. The accumulated research on the EQ-i 2.0® has shown that what was once considered that intangible determinant of success can now be accurately measured.
The EQ-i 2.0® assessment measures emotionally and socially intelligent behavior in five key areas:
Self-Perception – which gives an insight into the inner self
Self-Expression – the outward expression or the action component of one’s internal perception
Interpersonal – developing and maintaining relationships based on trust and compassion
Decision Making – the way in which one uses emotional information
Stress Management – how well one can cope with the emotions associated with change
“Just wanted to say thanks for a great session on EQ at the Harvard Ed Portal! It was really well presented and I learnt a lot.”
EQ-i 360®
The EQ 360® is also known as a Multi-Rater Assessment. This assessment combines your own perceptions of your EQ with the perceptions of others who know you well. The EQ-i 2.0® and the EQ 360® measures the same fifteen EQ competencies.
Sarah Scala Consulting is pleased to announce that the EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® can be built into our range of coaching, training, team development and talent management contexts to:
Identify development needs and under-utilized strengths
Create more competent and motivated staff
Enhance the quality of communication throughout the organization
Provide a clearer assessment of skills working with and through people
Build more effective team functioning through the inclusion of other colleagues’ perceptions
We provide three levels of coaching packages for the EQ-i 2.0 360 coaching assessment:
EQ-i 360 Feedback Coaching - Bronze
EQ-i 360 Multi-rater survey
One 90 minute feedback / coaching session
EQ-i 360 Feedback Coaching - Silver
EQ-I Multi-rater survey
One 90 minute feedback session
Three 60 minute coaching sessions
EQ-i 360 Feedback Coaching - Gold
Pre coaching process EQ-I Multi-rater survey
One 90 minute feedback session
Six 60 minute coaching sessions
Follow up EQ-I Multi-rater survey
One 60 minute final feedback session