Inclusion, Belonging, and Psychological Safety Workshop (intersectional)
I met this Fortune 500 client when I spoke at the Out & Equal Global Summit in 2021. The client’s LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) requested a workshop during Pride month to support inclusion and psychological safety. After the meeting, the Pride ERG leader decided to join forces with their Veterans ERG to have an intersectional program with many more participants and to also be able to share the investment between the two groups.
“Today Siemens Pride and Siemens Veterans Network co-sponsored an event on the topic of “Psychological Safety at Work” with Sarah A. Scala, M. Ed / OD, ACC . It was an excellent opportunity to discuss a very important topic that does not get near the focus it deserves. Thank you to Sarah for presenting and to the wonderful DEI network at Siemens for allowing our ERG’s to sponsor such events!”
The Objectives of the Project:
1.Feel safe speaking up about legitimate concerns in the workplace
2. Effectively resolve most disagreements
3. Respectfully intervene when witnessing inappropriate behavior
4. Strengthen included and valued in the workplace
5. Create a psychologically safe workplace culture
Questions Guiding this Project:
What is the desired state of the ERG groups and organization?
What is holding the organization back from optimal performance in these areas?
If the world was perfect, what would the ERG and organization look and feel like?
How will success or progress be measured after the program?
Services Provided:
Program Design
1. Met with the ERG leader to discuss possible topics and programs of interest. The client decided to join forces with Veterans ERG. Met with both leaders together after.
2. Designed draft of workshop agendas, slides, and the handout for participants. Requested feedback from the ERG leaders.
3. Finalized agenda, slides, and handout.
4. Facilitated a virtual workshop for participants globally.
5. Requested feedback and testimonials after the program.
Client organization has gained clarity and confidence in ways to build psychological safety, especially for less-represented employees.