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Belonging: Navigating Resistance With Open Eyes and Ears

Belonging: Navigating Resistance With Open Eyes and Ears

Join us for our FREE 3-part discussion series, Belonging: Navigating Resistance With Open Eyes and Ears. These roots-up conversations will explore the power of vulnerability, the art of active listening, and the essence of true allyship in our transformative journey to genuine connection and understanding.

Sarah Scala wearing a pink button up shirt with suit jacket and scarf

Sarah A. Scala, M. Ed, PCC, Founder, Sarah Scala Consulting

Roots of a tree deep in the ground
Sandra Hunter wearing a red t-shirt

Sandra Hunter, Founder, Wild Women Leaders of Color

Feb 12, 2024 (1pm EST / 10am PST) Embracing Vulnerability for Stronger Connections REGISTER HERE
Join Sarah A. Scala and Sandra Hunter in an open discussion on authentic leadership. We’ll dive into the genuine side of leading, embracing vulnerability, learning from the strength in admitting mistakes, and being okay with saying “I don’t know.” Come be part of the conversation to explore a culture of shared growth and authenticity. Your insights matter.

  • Build trust and stronger connections among team members

  • Develop a culture of openness promoting creativity and innovation

  • Showing vulnerability as a leader helps you develop inner authenticity

Mar 11, 2024 (1pm EST / 10am PST) Develop your active listening skills for meaningful conversations REGISTER HERE
Join Sarah A. Scala and Sandra Hunter as we explore what active listening means, why it’s essential, and the key competencies. We’ll explore practical ways to implement these skills and talk about what truly hearing and understanding others does for core growth and leadership in professional communities.

  • Active listening improves workplace communication enhancing collaboration and efficiency

  • Strong listening skills help to resolve conflicts and promote collaborative problem-solving

  • Valuing and hearing employees helps you listen more actively and clearly to your own motivation

April 8, 2024 (1pm EST / 10am PST) Become a genuine ally, navigating resistance with openness and empathy REGISTER HERE
Join Sarah A. Scala and Sandra Hunter as we unpack the meaning of allyship, learn how to develop allyship competencies and discover the benefits of allowing yourself space from judgment. We’ll discuss how to keep developing a community of support, understanding and growth. Our individual and community commitment to allyship excellence is essential and impactful. See you there!

  • Actively seek to understand others' perspectives for a more supportive and inclusive environment

  • Develop trust through open communication and a willingness to empathize with challenges faced by those experiencing resistance.

  • Promoting positive change through embracing diversity influences deep personal change

#Leadershiptalks #Authenticgrowth #LeadershipSkills #ActiveListening #AllyshipJourney #CommunitySupport #InclusivityLeadership #sarahscalaconsulting #belonging #sandrawildwomenleadersofcolor


Wild Women Leaders of Color Certifications