Coaching a Health Care Leader to Strengthen Leadership and Executive Presence
A Health Care executive from New England wanted to strengthen her leadership skills and executive presence. Coaching was conducted to prepare her to support a new CEO, strengthen relationships with her executive peers, and assist her staff with moving the organization through a challenging time. The health care organization hired Sarah Scala Consulting to coach the client through this transition. The engagement began with a 3-month coaching contract that was renewed for an additional 3-months of coaching (6-months total).
The Objectives of the Project:
1. Client to refocus and build sense of self-worth, confidence, optimism, and resilience to navigate the transition with a new CEO
2. Client to build and strengthen relationships with executive peers
3. Client to gain respect from the new CEO
Questions Guiding this Project:
What is the desired state of behavior needed to make these changes?
What is holding the client back from optimal performance in her executive role?
If the world was perfect, what would her career look and feel like?
Services Provided:
Executive and leadership coaching
1. Met with client to clarify needs and to determine fit
2. Client completed pre-coaching questionnaire to define specific learning areas for coaching
3. Provided feedback on 360 degree multi-rater assessment done recently in Graduate School
4. Met with client both in person and virtually to provide executive and leadership coaching
Client has gained clarity and confidence about her role as it has evolved to more strategy and less operations and patient care.
Client has strengthened confidence in communicating with CEO and peers, especially in areas where they disagree.
Client has built skills in areas of conflict management, executive presence, coaching, and providing feedback to direct reports.
Sponsor (CEO) participated in a coaching closure call with Sarah Scala Consulting to end the coaching engagement with positive feedback.
“She embraces her new role, and has been effective at managing up. Her Execution/ Analytics skills are strengthening and She is thinking globally, and has been successful with peer relationships. She now has a high level of motivation!”